Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I don't update this a lot and I'm done with mopeds.

Yup, mopeds are kinda a waste of time I've realized since starting to dabble in shifters and bigger bike. Still have my heart in two strokes though. Got a few new bikes since I've logged on here last. Ones a Hodaka Ace 90 in super rough shape, there will be more on that as time goes on. The engine has been rebuilt, but the rest of the bike will need work before it goes back on. The other is a clean Honda CB350 that just needs a little tinkering and basic maintenance. Also, I've taken the engine off my Puch Sabre to do some crazy stuff with, but that'll get it's own big ranty post. Heres some pictures I guess. So you know, ATF and gas burning on a seized piston doesn't free anything worth a shit. I read that's how Chevy guys do it. Haha! The grey stuff on the top right of the Hodaka tank is Alvin's Lab Metal, a gas resistant body filler. It sucks ass and doesnt work well. if you were wondering.

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